Friday 20 April 2012

Connected, but alone

Sherry Turkle, a psychologist, talks to us about how technology is keeping us connected, but at the same time, we are alone.  She explains to us how we use online communication, our phones and computers, as a way to connect and know each other.  However, Sherry also tells us that these devices not only change what we do but also who we are. With texts, tweets, and posts, we are able to edit and change what we say, shaping each and everyone of us who we want to be and make us feel that someone is listening.  Sherry informs us that this is taking us away from real human interaction, talking and having conversations. She tells us that we are being too reliant on online communication rather than having real conversations and showing your true self. Online communication is a new way to connect everybody but it doesn't really help us in truly knowing each other and that is why people can't make conversations and rather look to their phones for that feeling of connection.

Why is it that many of us would rather have phones and screens in front of us than having a face-to-face conversation?

Why are people becoming too reliant on Online Communication? How do you think the future would look like if we continued to use this as a way of communication?

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