Monday 2 April 2012

Can Robots Fly?

An inventor, Markus Fischer, and his team, Festo, builds a robotic flying seagull called SmartBird. They created a bird with a carbon fiber frame, a motor, is 2 meters wide and 1.6 meter in length, and weighs only a measly 450 grams! This powerful ultra-light flying robot was made so that Festo could research more about energy efficiency, pneumatics and air flow phenomena. Mr. Fischer created and demonstrated his SmartBird on a TED stage in July 2011. 

People speculate that this bird could be used for entertainment, war technology or research. What if they build one big enough for a human to ride in, or what if they make one that you can strap on and fly away like an angel? When will this technology be out to the public? It was really cool how they made such a big object and made it weigh only 450 grams.

This video relates to IT because the movements of the birds were coordinated using computers and moved with a remote control. They used the bird to research more about pneumatics, air phenomena and how birds work and in the future, they might use it to build something even better.


  1. I think this is a brilliant idea! Kids would love to use this for technology, and it could be an excellent source for gathering intel in wars. Kid's would love this because it would be great for playing around with, and for war, the enemy would only suspect it as a regular bird, you could use it to pinpoint enemy locations. Can this invention break really fast? I think you should've included when this was created, but overall I enjoyed the video :)

  2. I think this is a really good idea ! Some people would love to have this brilliant bird and use it. This technology also can be used for the war, people will think that is only a bird. I liked the video !
