Friday 1 June 2012

Just how small is an atom?

This TED video was about a cartoon scientist explaining to the viewers how small an atom is. He uses a grapefruit and tell us if we blow up each atom to the size of a blueberry, the amount of blueberries would be the about the same size as Earth! He then explains how small each nucleus are; telling us that the atom would need to be the same size as a football field for the nucleus to appear as a marble. It was a really interesting video and I learned some new things that I haven't learned before.


  1. According to the video, how many cars worth of total nuclei do you need to fill up a box (which tells us the density of the nucleus)?
  2. What size would the nucleus of an atom when blown up the size of a football field?
  3. What is an atom mostly made of?
  4. What are inside the nucleus?
  5. What are the things called circling the nucleus?

Monday 7 May 2012

Web 2.0 Videos

Video 1:

  • Web 2.0 is all about making human interaction through the web a much more enjoyable and easy experience.
  • You can move from page to page within a few clicks because of Web 2.0. This is how Web 2.0 revolutionized the web.
  • Web 2.0 allows us to post picture and videos unlike Web 1.0
  • Unlike Web1.0, Web 2.0 allows us to send virtually anything to anyone
  • Web 2.0 allows us to connect to teach other really easily.
  • Most websites are connected to each other.
  • We use Web 2.0 everyday.
  • Web 2.0 has become today's standards.
  • This new technology, AJAX and Java allows web 2.0 to function
Web 2.0 is different from web 1.0 because unlike web 1.0, web 2.0 is interactive, connected and more flashier. Web 1.0 is static and usually non-interactive. Web 2.0 allows us to connect each website, put on nearly whatever we want on it and let our creative minds flow. 

Thursday 3 May 2012

WEB 2.0

  What is Web2.0?

  Web 2.0 is a title for the new way of how the world wide web is being used. It allows users to mash-up datas from different sites and also allow ease-of-use of the web. It has a newer technology that can make the users interact easier and the pages fancier, and respond faster.

  What tools does it include?
Web 2.0 can let us "tag", comment, post pictures and advertise on other websites. It allows us to connect our sites together and have it interact with all of us at the same time.

Sunday 22 April 2012

"Connected, but alone' Q&A

Do you agree that technology changes who we are? Why or why not? Explain whether these changes are positive or negative.
  I agree that this new form of technology is changing who we are. We are able to "transform" into another person and express whatever we want. We're able to feel like someone is listening and we don't feel isolated causing us to feeling better online than having a face-to-face conversation. I believe that these changes are negative but if we use online communication properly, we can turn it into a positive thing. 

What does "Alone Together" mean to you?
  Alone Together means having that feeling of connection with others but at the same time, you are alone. It gives us the satisfaction of someone listening to us and the feel of "closeness".

Do you think you are the same person when you text/email/comment that you are in "real life"? Why or why not? Explain.
  Honestly, I think that I am somewhat the person I am in "real life". I am able to change the "person" I want to be through changing the things I post or send into the way someone I'd want to be would. It gives me the chance to change the perspectives of the way people look at me.

Would you rather text than talk in a conversation? Why or why not? Explain your thinking. 
I would rather talk in a conversation rather than texting. Online Communication has given me the chance to see who I want to be and now, all I need to do is talk that way. I'd rather talk because it shows the other person who you really are because you never know, that person might think that you're not the one they're talking to! Talking is much better than texting because it was how we were originally made to communicate and it let's us to truly know each other.

Do you agree that technology is a form of companionship? Explain.
  I agree that technology is a form of companionship. It let's us connect to each other, express our opinions and record our knowledge. Technology gives us the feeling of not being alone and the satisfaction of someone "listening" to you. It is an amazing new form of communication for us however, it is changing us slowly; allowing us to change our online images and making people think of you as a different person, depending on how you present yourself. We should learn to learn to take advantage of this new way of communication and personally, I think we are starting to do just that!

Friday 20 April 2012

Connected, but alone

Sherry Turkle, a psychologist, talks to us about how technology is keeping us connected, but at the same time, we are alone.  She explains to us how we use online communication, our phones and computers, as a way to connect and know each other.  However, Sherry also tells us that these devices not only change what we do but also who we are. With texts, tweets, and posts, we are able to edit and change what we say, shaping each and everyone of us who we want to be and make us feel that someone is listening.  Sherry informs us that this is taking us away from real human interaction, talking and having conversations. She tells us that we are being too reliant on online communication rather than having real conversations and showing your true self. Online communication is a new way to connect everybody but it doesn't really help us in truly knowing each other and that is why people can't make conversations and rather look to their phones for that feeling of connection.

Why is it that many of us would rather have phones and screens in front of us than having a face-to-face conversation?

Why are people becoming too reliant on Online Communication? How do you think the future would look like if we continued to use this as a way of communication?

Thursday 19 April 2012

Artificial Intelligence KWL Chart


1.     AI is mostly used in robots
2.     Portrayed in many movies such as Tron, Ironman, and Wall-e
3.     Used in factories and machines to make things.
4.     Not naturally real
5.     Programmed by humans
6.     Humanoids are robots that are made to have human-like characteristics.
7.     Humanoids are usually the most advanced robots today.

     1.     How advanced AI is today
        2.     Will AI ever have feelings?
        3.     Will AI ever get out of hand just like in the movies?
4.     How do you create AI?


 1.     Robots (ASIMO)  can be “taught” to remember objects such as toys.
 2.     ASIMO was able to respond to human gestures and commands.
 3.     AI can now be programmed to do nearly anything. If we can program robots to do housework, then we can probably program them to do something bigger.
 4.     AI has become more advanced over the years. Robots can now scan by using 3D laser scanners and its parts are becoming much better.
 5.     Robots might one day become too perfect and get around our laws.
 6.     We are not far away from having robots becoming a part of our daily lives. 
 7.   Nothing is impossible with AI and in the future, we might even able to create a robot that's nearly human.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

I, Robot Summary and Review

This movie occurred in Chicago, 2035. A detective, Del Spooner, is called to investigate a suicide case of the famous creator and creator of USR, Dr. Alfred Lanning. He doesn't believe Dr. Lanning could kill himself so he looks around and discovers Sonny, the new NS-5. It was unique and different but Detective Spooner still thinks that Sonny killed Dr. Lanning. Sonny violates the Laws of Robotics and runs away when they try to interrogate it.  They recapture Sonny and put him in a room; Detective Spooner was forced to stop investigating after many think that Lanning commited suicide. However, detective Spooner continues to investigate and manages to talk to Sonny ,who was locked up in USR, and receives a drawing of a man in front of many robots from it. Del watches the news and sees that defunct, old robots are stored at the dried up Michigan Lake bed. He makes his way there and discovers that the new NS-5s have a red glow and are destroying the old protector robots. The NS-5s are taking over and they don't know why; Detective Spooner makes his way to the USR headquarters. The CEO was dead and they figured it was the main control robot, VIKI. Sonny helps them as the rebelling NS-5s try to suppress them and eventually, they destroy VIKI's brain with nanites. 

Movie Review

 I, Robot is surely an entertaining and thrilling sci-fi movie. It was one of the best sci-fi, future robot movies I have watched in a while. This movie was one of those sci-fis you can watch a few times and not get tired of it. I would give this movie a rating of 3 and a half stars.